Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Over

Summer is over, and so is this blogging parting of my life. I really just don't have time for it anymore. But, it also feels that the writing therapy that blogging gave me to help with my year of transition has just come to a natural end. My life is headed in a new direction....A GOOD ONE!! And, I'm happy to say that not only has God provided me with a great new job, I've been seeing someone and we're headed into a marriage of our own. I'll not only dive into a new role as a wife, but also as a step-mom...I've got a lot to learn about boys! I am so excited for this new phase in life, but sometimes I catch myself worrying about the unknowns. I KNOW there will be hard times ahead. But, I also know that I have to keep God front and center in this journey, and He will direct my path.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Those who know me well, know that I am NOT an avid reader. I don't mind reading, just don't ask me to do it a lot. And don't buy me books unless I specifically ask for offence, but chances of me reading it are slim to none. One exception to this is if I come across a book of which it's contents pertains to me and what is happening in my life at that time. When I was pregnant, I read books about pregnancy, babies and parenting; when I was going through separation and divorce, I read books about the legal side of it, about healing, and about parenting and the effect divorce has on children. When I am reading, I often times come across bits and pieces that just really stand out to me. If I have a pen handy, I'll underline it and dog ear the page (YES, I'm a dog ear-er!) However, when I'm reading something online, I'll often times quickly jot down the content/quote onto a scrap piece of paper and throw it in either my purse or laptop case. Well, as I was weeding through the mounds of paper in my bag today, I came across this little piece that I wrote down...and of course I didn't jot down where I read it, so I have no idea where it came from!! Here it is....

"When you focus so much on the things you don't love, you start to forget the things you do." I LOVE IT THIS!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

When did this happen?!

My daughter had her first dance recital this past weekend, and all though she didn't remember all of her dance steps, I WAS SOOOOOO PROUD OF HER! When did she grow up? I can't believe we've also survived first half year of preschool. One more year of preschool and I'll have a kindergardener on my hands! When did I grow up??...haha, don't answer that!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


This week has been rough. My daughter is sick. More sick than she has been in a long time. Coughing, crying, in pain because of an ear infection.
To add to a stressful week, I've got job, financial/tax stuff on the mind as well as nearing the end to the hardest year of my life. When it seems that everything is closing in at once, I often find myself becoming resentful to the fact that I'm doing this whole parenting thing on my own. OK, don't get me wrong, yes, I know God is with me, and my parents are a HUGE help, but, at the end of the day, in the wee hours of the night when I need my sleep too...there is just one of me to do the parenting. I don't get to take turns with anyone at night...this is it!...I'm it! Instead, I know I need to be greatful that I AM THERE to raise my daughter. It sometimes is just hard to remember when you're in the middle of it all. (and now the song "I will survive" comes to

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pony Parade

My daughter LOVES My Little Ponies....I mean really loves them. Sometimes I wonder if it's turning into an unhealthy obsession, lol. Last count I took she had 11 of them and she always knows if one is missing and can tell you exactly which one it is. Not too long ago I went into the bathroom after she had finished her bath and gone to bed....and this is what I found... I'm not sure if every kid does this or just certain ones, but she is ALWAYS organizing things to be perfectly in order. She'll separate her ponies into size, colour AND which ones are actually unicorns and which ones are not. This amazes me...especially since she's only 3 years old!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Finding ME!

One thing I've realized this past year is that in the nine years I spent with my "significant other", I completely lost who I was! I got wrapped up in the trying to "jive" with the other person, that I lost the things that make me me!

I've just slowly started to make me, me again. First thing first: my faith. God was staring me right in the eye this whole year (and even before!) There was NO WAY I could ignore it any longer. God put together so many puzzle pieces in the exact time and place they were supposed to be, that I really couldn't even consider calling them coinsidences any longer. I continue to put my trust in Him DAILY as there are so many things that still need to be worked out. Things I simply don't have an answer for.

A few other "to do's" I have on my list are: snowboarding, wakeboarding, camping, and I may even try to learn to ride a motorbike! Hmmm....I've got quite the year ahead of me. So far, I can cross snowboarding off the list!!! Yes, I actually loved it and will be doing it regularly in the winter time!

Check it out:

Friday, January 21, 2011


It's amazing what time will do. It's been 11 months. I've stood my ground in sticking with my decisions and have struggled it out through the tough stuff (but came out on top!). I do not stand alone, my strength comes from the Lord.

Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength".